Staff members working on processes, products, and projects must know their scheduled tasks. The schedule tasks need daily updating since tomorrow, as the environment changes, may differ from today. It is beholden upon managers to keep their Team Members (TMs) cognizant of their tasks. TMs are constantly waiting for their assignments or doing assignments that are not the most critical for their organization. Keeping everyone informed of their prioritized tasks is daunting for Process, Product, and Project Managers. Team Members often wait for their assignments or do tasks that are not the most critical for their organization.

Overview of Tasks

The Optimize product provides Team Members (TMs) their assigned tasks in prioritized order on their “Home” page for the current allocation period. The list of tasks is updated daily. The default allocation period is for the next twenty-one days. Process Portfolio Managers, Product Portfolio Managers, and Project Portfolio Managers can change the allocation period from fourteen to seventy days. The TMs know their task assignments for the next fourteen to seventy days, depending on the allocation period, at the start of every day. The list of tasks is in chronological order relative to the task start date. Team Members know what they are to accomplish at the start of every day.

Acceptance or Rejection of Tasks

The Team Member updates the task hours expended for each assigned task and the task status at the end of the day. Then, the TM sends the updated information to the manager (Process Manager, Product Manager, or Project Manager). The manager either (1) accepts the information and initiates the automatic update of the schedule or (2) sends the “task information” with a comment back to the responding TM explaining why they rejected the updated task information.

Schedule Updates Have Never Been Simpler and Less Time-Consuming

Managers must focus on critical path tasks to ensure their processes, products, and projects succeed. Since the critical path can change daily, it is imperative to have schedules updated daily, not just once a week. Business Analysts, Process Managers, Product Managers, and Project Managers don’t have any spare time. With the Optimize product, they save over 90% of their time collecting scheduled task progress information from their TMs and entering the data into the schedule. At the end of each day, the manager can, via their laptop or mobile device, accept or reject the task’s data worked on by their Team Members.

The Optimize product Business Analysts, Process Managers, Product Managers, and Project Managers only invest a few minutes daily in maintaining their schedules. Instead of spending 17-20 hours on schedules weekly, you update the schedule daily. Whereas, with the Optimize product, Process, Product, and Project Managers spend less than a half-hour per week maintaining their schedules. Your Team Members will spend less than three minutes per day maintaining their schedules. Process, product, and project schedules will be up-to-date daily for management as they analyze their daily reports and graphs.