testing Testing Without thoroughly testing its requirements, there is no purpose in implementing a process, maintaining a product, or implementing a project. The Optimize product assures every requirement’s testing. In the Optimize product, a Business Analyst, Process Manager, Product Manager, Project Manager, Process Portfolio Manager, Product Portfolio Manager, or Project Portfolio Manager links terminal requirements to whatever test cases are needed to verify the requirement’s functionality. A Business Analyst, Process Manager, Product Manager, Project Manager, Process Portfolio Manager, Product Portfolio Manager, or Project Portfolio Manager specifies one or more test cases for each terminal requirement. All stakeholders can scrutinize whether or not each terminal requirement is thoroughly tested by analyzing the test cases specified for each terminal requirement. Will it Work? Wernher von Braun said, “One test is worth a thousand expert opinions.” The Optimize product supports the mapping of each terminal requirement to one or more test cases verifying each terminal requirement. The test can either verify the requirement’s functionality, be a diagnostic, or test a performance characteristic of the requirement. Reporting The Optimize product informs the appropriate Business Analyst, Process Manager, Product Manager, Project Manager, Process Portfolio Manager, Product Portfolio Manager, and Project Portfolio Manager when there is a low-level requirement with no supporting test cases. The appropriate managers can see the current list of tests for each low-level requirement. This transparency leaves no doubt in the mind of stakeholders whether test cases verified every requirement for a process, product, or project. The Optimize product informs relevant managers and any designated key stakeholders whenever there is a missing set of test cases for a requirement in their process, product, project, or issue.